Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ma gandesc

"Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!" (from Psalm 105)

Caleb has a kids' praise album of songs just with scripture. Nothing added to them, just scripture. I have to say it's one of the best worship albums I've ever listened to - well, and it makes sense, because it's just His Word that you're hearing.

This verse above is in one of the songs on this album. What power there is in that line alone.
Is your heart seeking God?
Then it should be rejoicing!

The Holy Spirit has been bringing this to mind over and over again this week.

Kels, you frustrated with the kids not having families? You've been seeking the Lord on this?

Kelsey, are you frustrated with the way things are run where you work? You've been seeking the Lord on this?

Kels, are you tired and worn out from never ending needs in Marghita? Have you been seeking the Lord on this?

Kels, are you concerned about your finances and the upcoming update/raise support trip in June? Have you been seeking the Lord on this?

Kels, you feel like you've been given a new vision for Marghita and are frustrated because you don't see yet how God is going to bring that into action? You've been seeking the Lord on this?

Kels, you're sad because you can't take Caleb out of the country for a couple of months with you? You've been seeking the Lord on this?

Kels, you are broken over the hopelessness that surrounds Marghita. You've been seeking the Lord on this?

Why are we not rejoicing people? Why are we not rejoicing...

Rejoice today.

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